Sunday, November 2, 2014

Walk in the Park

Weeks before my cleanse my best friend and I started walking for exercise to get the blood pumping and the body moving after years of inactivity.  The only way I could motivate him to come with me was to go to the beach or to the park and tell him he could "people watch".  If you know what I mean.  There's a helluva lot of beautiful healthy people there.  Gave me motivation too.

In the beginning it was very difficult for me.  For both of us.  There were pains in my knees, hips and muscles.  The hills or ramps and stairs would prove to be most challenging.  My heart would be pumping out of my chest - sometimes I thought I was having a heart attack.  It was hard to breathe and I would get light headed and needed to rest at the top.  Not to mention the pain/numbness in my legs and hips. The struggle was real people!

I knew we had to just suck it up and continue on, build some endurance and stamina over time.  And that's what it was going to take, time.  Time and determination.

It seemed as soon as I started the Cleanse that everything changed, literally overnight.  And that is no exaggeration.  Day two on the cleanse was a walking day and even that early on I could tell a significant difference.  One - I had an abundance of energy, two - I wasn't breathing hard and the hills, ramps or stairs weren't as much of a struggle as before.

By the next week I was doing them with absolutely NO PROBLEM.  My heart wasn't pumping out of my chest, I could breathe easier and didn't need the rest at the top.  Plus we added more laps, more go's up the ramps/stairs to our usual walk...which I just loved.

Don't understand how that worked so quickly.  Maybe the blood was pumping through my body because it was a little cleaner.  My heart was being fed the proper nutrition that it didn't struggle to pump efficiently.  I don't know.  Whatever it is, I am so grateful everyday for Purium.

A walk in the park (or beach) isn't something that I loathe anymore, instead I look forward to it.  That has never happened before.  The couch will win before a walk would.

Walking and moving has become a very big part of my life.  I'm up to 3 miles 3-4x a week.  Someday's I'll go longer or further.  Depends on what time allows in any given day.

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