Despite everyone I knew who've done the cleanse said the shake tastes really good, but I didn't like it at first. Figured out that it tastes waaaaaay better with lots of ice. It was quite delicious actually. I started on a Saturday so that I'd be home...just in case. Usually on cleanses there tends to be poop emergencies, especially during the first few days.
Now you're allowed "flex foods" & "flex beverages" on this cleanse three times a day. That list consists of avocados, celery, apples, spinach, almond milk, hibiscus tea and kombucha just to mention a few. And we stocked up on all of them.
However, since I have a lot of weight to lose and the prospect of becoming Ms. Poop-a-Lot wasn't appealing at all, I decided against ANY foods. Whether that was a smart move or not, I don't know. The first couple days wasn't bad, but on the 4th day I felt the urge to chew on something, so I indulged with an apple and a couple celery stalks.
Turns out there wasn't any urgency in the poop department or even the slightest inkling that I would need to stay close to the bathroom. Absolutely nothing and I'm glad to report no Ms. Poop-a-Lot for this girl. That made me feel more confident.
Another thing happened that was totally energy level went from negative to through the roof. I did expect my energy level to raise while doing this cleanse but the unexpected thing was how much it raised and how quickly it happened. It was virtually instantaneous. Never thought it was possible.
Total weight lost to date: 8 pounds
Side view on my 5th day of the Transformation Cleanse. There was a definitely change in my stomach.
I noticed another change in the size of my butt. Although it doesn't look like it this shirt fits. I could barely get it on before, especially at the arms, where I tend to store fat.