Today is the start of a new 10-day cleanse for me and many other Purium enthusiast. We are all part of a global-wide Group Cleanse which I for one am looking soooo forward to.
Learn more about it here.

My original plan was to start on January 2nd, posted it on all social media and everything. Well when I found out about my friends and family doing the group thing of course I postponed it to join the largest weight loss support group in the world and do the Purium New Year Transformation Group Cleanse.
Everyone is so excited and we are confident it will be a great success for all involved. I, myself set a goal of 20 pounds this time around. It is mostly holiday gain, can you believe it? It was all that bread.. and rice ...and meat ...and desserts! Oh my!
I was doing so well there and had a great run those first couple 30-day runs, until I was made to take a break by my doctor. There will be more elaboration on that in another post.
For right now, I just wanted to tell the WORLD how excited I am to be back on the Purium 10-Day Transformation Cleanse bandwagon with my friends and can't wait to reach my 20 pound goal.
Wish me and the other members of this Group Cleanse luck!
The more the merrier, we would love for you join us.
Use code reedchang
Be Well ~Amber