Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Whats This All About?

Thank you for visiting!  Welcome to my site where I will share with you my journey to healthy with Purium Health Products.  It is my hope that it will encourage some to also start their own journey to a more healthy, vibrant life.  Or to at least be as entertaining as possible.

Aloha!  My name is Amber...I'm 44.  Woman,  Mother, wife, daughter, friend and the list can go on and on.  Woman said it all!  I am all that that comes with and then some.  I am of Hawaiian ancestry and was born and raised on O`ahu.  Very proud to be of and from Hawaii.  That is home and the heart is certainly there always.

Like many woman around my age, we start feeling and noticing the effects of those years in our bodies.  I don't know about you but I can do without all the creeks and cracks in my bones.  The eye site goes - heck even my hearing has gotten worse.  This can't be what the rest of life is going to be like.  More deterioration of our once vital bodies!  I refuse to do it.  REFUSE.

Now I've got to mention that I haven't been all the concerned about my health up to this point.  I ate whatever & whenever I wanted, didn't exercise much and had bad sleeping habits.  If that's you - raise your hand!

Hi I'm Amber and I abused & neglected my health for years!  Nice to meet you all.  ENJOY your stay.

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