Thursday, October 23, 2014

How We Met

The very first time I ever heard of Purium was when my daughter told me she wanted to "go on it".  She wanted to shed some pounds and cleanse her system.  The skeptic and protective mother that I am told her to just stop eating & drinking so much.  Its free!  She insisted.

So - what do I do?  Research til the cows come home.  To my surprise I couldn't find any reason for her NOT to 'go on it'.  The products were green, organic and clean.  Made in the USA, down the road from me to be exact.  And the owner creator is very respected in the Health and Wellness industry.  But the real peoples testimonials sold me.  I told my daughter about my findings and gave her my support during her cleanse.

She had such great results, I thought maybe I'd like to try it.

Roadblock!!  I didn't have the resources.  I had just lost my place to work and it was a bit tight in the wallet at the time.  So life went on as usual.  Eating whatever I wanted.  Not exercising, in fact since I wasn't working as much, I became more sedentary - sitting in front of my computer for hours on end.

A very good friend of mine and his wife started on the program and had such wonderful results.  They were melting right in front of me..literally.  They're both massage clients of mine so I could see first hand how the pounds were just falling off.  Plus their skin was so clear.  Even more so I wanted to do it.  Still resources were tight.  But I was saving to eventually get on it.

Fast forward a few months. My same friends are having a gathering at their home to promote Purium Health Products but invited us to come over AFTER the presentation for lunch and a swim in their pool to cool off from the near 100 degree weather we were having.  (They didn't invite us for the presentation because they knew that money was tight for me.)

We showed up at their home while the presentation was wrapping up.  My husband started talking to the Presenter whom he knew from work coincidentally.  Small world!  It didn't take very much for my husband and he asked if I wanted to go it.  He would buy it for us.

I gave him this look of OMG! with a little OF COURSE! and peppered with I LOVE YOU FOREVER if you get this program right now.

And that is how I met Purium.  It was love from that moment on.

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