Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Latest Results of The 10-day New Year Cleanse

At the end of my latest cleanse I am proud to announce, 15 pounds lost!  Weeeellll....technically 14.8 pounds....close enough!

I ended on Thursday of last week but with the long weekends outdoor activities it took me a couple days to finally get this posted.  In case you are counting the days from when I officially started on January 5th, yes it ended on the 11th day because I was ordered by my doc to either take a day off due my "condition".

So I took a break after the fifth day to give my body a rest and pump it up with iron and pure protein just as the doctor ordered.  I quickly resumed the next day.

As far as the long weekend....cleansed right in time to indulge just a little bit at a SPA getaway with the girls at the Four Seasons.  There was massages & facials.  Relaxing in the jacuzzi and sipping on mimosas and eating chocolate covered strawberries all day.  Oh and did I mention the brunch buffet.  It was WAY FABULOUS!!  I didn't go too crazy though at the buffet, but I did enjoy it immensely.

Catching some morning sun upon arrival at The Four Seasons Spa

Some of the goodies at the Brunch Buffet


Our dining room view.

More goodies!!

 Hanging out by the pool, sunnin' the ham hocks.

The girls in our private jacuzzi waiting for our facials.

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