Tuesday, December 2, 2014

What is a Flex Food?

When I decided to do this Cleanse, my first question was "Am I  able to eat on this cleanse?".  My next question should have been "What foods can I eat?".  That's the real question!  As shown on my post 'The Program', there are a list of foods we are able to consume during those crucial days of the cleanse.  They're called Flex Foods.

Flex foods assist in elimination during a cleanse such as this where solid food intake is greatly reduced.  The avocado fats and fiber in apples along with adequate water consumption aid in nutrition absorption and lubrication of the bowels.  For that reason alone, the flex foods are a must on this cleanse.  The last thing anyone wants to be is bloated, constipated AND hungry!!  NO THANK YOU!

Ok. LETS BE REAL!!  Cucumbers, broccoli and kale were not high on my everyday list of foods to eat, let alone like.  If that was the case, this program may have not been needed.  My health and weight wouldn't be such an issue.  So now the task becomes how to make those food not so boring and monotonous.  Not to mention how to make them tasty so that I'd look forward to eating them on a daily basis.

Aside from not eating the proper foods in the past, I really really hate to cook.  So it was a huge transition in so many ways for me.  I had to really try hard to be creative and thank goodness for the internet and sites like Pinterest or there just would be no hope for me.

During the cleanse when I actually came up with some of my own concoctions, I didn't have the foresight to write it all down but did commit them to memory.  There's quite a plethora of  resources to choose from on the web and a few in particular that I really loved, too.  As we go along further I'll post some of the creative ways I've come across to prepare and incorporate flex foods into my own program.

To my surprise, I enjoyed and still enjoy eating those flex foods.  Its not so much a chore as it started out to be in the beginning.  Working on writing the recipes down and putting them into my ever growing collection.  Yet, still not a fan of cooking I figured, every girl is supposed to have a recipe collection and I gotta start somewhere.

So....Stay tuned for the more of my journey and the yummy-ness to come.

Thank you for visiting.

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