Friday, November 7, 2014

Was That a Hunger Pang?

Well maybe I spoke too soon about this being effortless.

Its day 8 of my cleanse and the hunger pains are intense.  It woke me from my sleep they were so strong.  I actually gave a little chuckle when I realized what it was.  It was funny to me.

It felt like my body was telling me to put some solid food in me.  Some very tasty, very chewable food.  Like a steak or something, which I have been craving for a couple days now.  Which is ironic because I'm not much of a meat eater - in my mind at least.  I prefer fish & chicken.  My husband is a carnivore to the core and thats what we primarly eat at home, but I do not prefer it.  So it took me by surprise that that is what my body wanted.

To satisfy my hunger I incorporated more of the flex foods, as much as I was able today.  Every chance I was able I ate a flex food.  Got a little creative too.  Sauteed my spinach in coconut oil with garlic and that was so delicious, I didn't want it to end.

Had an apple as a snack.  Half an avocado for my afternoon meal with Himalayan salt and cayenne pepper.  The flavors are so vivid and just popping.  Maybe that in itself helped satiate me.  The fact that everything tastes so good is a great plus.  It's like I've never tasted food so delicious.

As of this day I lost a total of 13 pounds.  In 8 days, thats not bad.  Not bad at all.  Two more days to go and I just may have my steak when all of this is done.  We'll see.

This is what I want to eat...

Picture from Serious Eats at

But what I'm  able to eat during my cleanse instead...

I could go for both together right now.  Ok, I'm done drooling for now.  Have a great day.

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