Sunday, November 2, 2014

The TRUE Test

From day five to six the weight loss was a substantial three (3) pounds.  That was amazing!  I've never thought you could lose that much weight in 1 day.  Wow!  The aminos are doing a great job of building muscle which is burning fat.

On day six I decided I needed a massage because of the pain and tension in my neck & shoulders. Mainly related to my job as a Massage Therapist.  I just couldn't stand the pain any longer so I went for a Thai Massage. Whoooohooo! Crystal my therapist worked me over so good I felt like jelly afterward.  Just what I needed.

The next morning I woke up groggy.  Due to two reasons - I had a great massage and because I fought the urge to go to bed after my Apothecherry drink to watch a movie.  That stuff is a godsend.  It puts me to sleep in absolutely no time at all.  Miracle for this formally insomnia ridden woman.

Day seven, a Friday was going to be the true test for me as I had four clients in a row that day and gradually lose energy as the day goes on.  There is hardly any time to go get something to eat and restore my energy in between so I tend to go straight through until I'm done drinking only water.  If I'm lucky I'll have a small fruit, some nuts or worse case scenario, a chocolate bar.

My work runs 5-6 days a week and all hours of the day.  Most appointments are in the afternoon and can go into late evening/night, when people finish work.  And I'm mobile which means I go to the client, so add a lot of driving to it all.

To my surprise I made it through like a champ.  I took my aminos and drank my shake at the designated times, no problems.  Easy peasy!  I could take them driving between clients and it provided all the energy and sustainability I needed to get through the evening.

It worked so well, I still had so much energy when I got home that I ended up doing my notes that same night.  Where as I would wait until Monday to enter the data because I was so wiped out there was no way I could do it.  All I want to do is eat something, shower and sleep.

I'm loving all this energy and the good nights sleep I've been having ever since I started.  What a difference it makes.

Just 3 days left!!  And the funny thing is, it was completely effortless.

Wanted to leave you with some pics of the moon I took while leaving my last clients home around 10 p.m.  It was so beautiful.  Taken with my iPhone so forgive the quality.

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