Friday, October 24, 2014

Ring My Bell!

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 at 11:45 a.m.  That's when the doorbell woke me and I knew life was never going to be the same.

The Purium Platinum Transformation Cleanse for Two ARRIVED via FedEx!  I was so excited beyond belief.  Excited of what will be, for the possibilities this will mean, for a more healthier future.

I can't wait to be free of the sugar and carb addiction.  The main thing I wanted to achieve and heard from the testimonials is more ENERGY!  I was so lethargic all the time.  So much hope is wrapped up in this program for me.  Expectations too high?  Not from what I've witnessed from friends and family members who are on it or have done it.

So we are gonna rock this!!

There were some apprehension at first about cleanses.  Like would I turn into Miss Poop-A-Lot.  I wasn't going to come this far to let a little of that stop me anyway.  So I put my big girl panties on and got ready for the ride.  Come what may!!

NOTE:  All postings are delayed.  Many people encouraged me to document and share my journey with everyone.  Since I kept a journal I didn't think twice and started this Blog.  My 10-Day Cleanse did not start for another 10 days due to a very strong series of antibiotics I was taking.  I did not want to start until I was done.  Forgive me if it seems confusing, but it is not my intention to mislead in any  one in any way.  This is just my story and I wanted to share.

Aloha Y'all!


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